The first Daily Strength emails traveled through hyperspace in 1999. Those early versions were sent to a couple friends, after I had rededicated my life to Christ. I was so excited about my new relationship with the Lord that I desired to encourage fellow believers. Little did I know that God’s Spirit was behind it and was using those emails to develop me as I encouraged others. As subscribers enjoyed receiving the emails, and God put his approval on them, they were forwarded to others. Those people then forwarded them and the subscriber list continued to grow into the hundreds after about three years.
As I continue to grow, I put my experiences and discoveries in the devotionals. They have blessed many people and continue to also encourage and strengthen me. I really enjoy hearing how the Lord uses and blesses his people through the responses I receive. It is awesome knowing that God speaks to us and is eager to spend time with us.
Now, the Lord has provided help along the way to automate some of the work and open up some new opportunities, developing some visions he gave me in expanding the service. I know you will enjoy the site and what God is doing here. There are many great sites on the net in which to get encouragement, help, answers, and prayer. But there is no other site like this one. The ministry God has given me is as unique as you are. God doesn’t do small things, even if they look small to us. God does great things because he is a great God.
I am excited to hear your testimonies, feedback, and comments. Enjoy the riches you have in Christ Jesus!